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Beat the post-holiday slump

female in holiday sweater and frowning

Now that the calendar has flipped to January 2, it’s time to put away the decorations, take off the loungewear and get back to business. If you are like most people, you may not be motivated yet to head back to work. Here are a few ways to counteract the post-holiday slump, courtesy of

Begin anywhere
The first step in getting back to business is to just start somewhere—even if it’s as simple as writing a to-do list or responding to email. Once you gain a little momentum, tackle a few bigger projects.

Dive in!
If you are not a small-task person, skip the little projects and just dive back in. Begin by completing the first few steps of a larger project. Working in phases can have a snowball effect on productivity.

Involve others
While working independently on projects has its merits, teaming up with a coworker can make post-holiday workday challenges a little less daunting. Look through your list of tasks and identify those you can delegate and those where you can draw on the talent of others to complete. The extra energy of a teammate can help you break the ‘blah’ barrier!

Cut yourself some slack
If at all possible, leave yourself a little breathing room in your schedule during the first week back to work. Instead of launching headfirst into multiple meetings, block time out on your calendar to work independently on a few projects.

Sometimes it takes a little creativity to rekindle your motivation after the holidays. Try one or more of these tips to help you ease back into your work routine and ramp up your productivity.

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